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I made this Modular Seats Set as the last part of the Garden & Beach Set. The Set contains a Love Seat (double seat) for couple and has animation menus for cuddles, kiss, bdsm, sex with foreplay and sex. The femdom and maledom are separate love seats to not have the menu lag. New in the menu is Blanketed!
I made 5 mesh blankets ( 4 couples, 1 single) that sit in the menu as props.
The blankets are modify so you can resize them (use edit linked for the blanket mesh) as it is impossible to make them fit for everyone. I added a texture to help you if you don't know how to resize, it will sit in your folder and is named Resize Blanket 101. You can also recolor the blanket in the same manner.
In the folder you will find two sets of seats, I added ones with shadowing on fabric and wood to place against each other, but I also added a modular one that can be used as stand alone with no shadowing on the sides. Depending on what kind of set up you want to use.
The love seats, Femdom and Maledom have the usual cute props and are also compatible with Aeros, Physics Cock and Vagina and INM cum system.
As always a texture HUD is included with the same textures as the other parts of the set, so you can adjust them to fit your home perfectly.
Included in the set are a set of seasonal mesh potted trees with subtle falling leaves particles, you have 5 different ones in your package. They are modify so you can adjust the size easily.
To make your autumn evenings warm and cozy I added a firepit. It has a menu with Fire on that rezzes a fire with particle and sound effects, a S'Mores deco leaning on the bowl of the firepit and you can also choose a S'Mores roasting pick bento animated, you choose the sit one if you are seated, and choose the stand one if you just want to stand around the fire. The bento animation solely animates the arm so it does not influences your AO. Just like the meat on the bbq I added a texture change to the S'Mores so you see them slowly roast😀
To let you eat your S'Mores I made this little tray (which is a group gift btw so make sure to pick it up!)
You touch it and your avi will be eating her/his delicious treat ♥
And to make it complete I made a Thermos Set, touch and choose one of 7 warm drinks with bento animation, different size for F and M.
I added the Pergola to be bought separately now for those interested
When you are at the Fapple Store make sure to check out the other parts of the Beach and Garden Set, everything needed to enjoy your beach or garden in a perfect way.