She explained me she had no interest in scripting for creators but would make an exception for me and get me this what felt like an 'exclusive' deal.
Wendy Starfall wanted 25% of all my collar sales, I agreed on that as it seemed a good deal at that moment. I payed her 25k Linden ahead for her work and time and as I believed at that time she was a single mom. Together with the already sold collars she received over 35k Linden from me.
Yesterday I got a message that she sells the same creator kit on the Marketplace for 500L.
When I complained to her I felt a bit ripped off I had an avalanche of the most vulgar insults ever in my ims. There was no possibility to talk this through as grown ups, so I decided to let it rest and that
hopefully she would see things more clear after a good night rest.
I have no problem with whatever kits she sells or not sells, I solely have a problem with me paying +35K L and others only 500L. While there is actually no difference whatsoever in my package and that on the marketplace.
This morning I logged in and she had remotely disabled my scripting package I payed so much money for, it deletes itself on rez and gives me this message:
[ ⚠ ] -- Your account is currently in bad standing or in review. All of your avatars must be in good standing in order to be eligible for using our services and proprietary content.
I can no longer script/update collars. My existing collars she has remotely adjusted to on rez advertise her Marketplace store. Which is against twice against the ToS. Once for remotely adjusting things I bought without having my consent (and that includes all of you wearing my collars) and second for advertising through remotely tinkering my collars without my consent (and this also includes all you not giving her consent to do this with a collar you wear).
No need to tell you I was very devastated, but the original people of OpenCollar have been very helpful and all for free this time. So Fapple Collars are updated to OpenCollar v7 and they work like a charm.
It is very important for me that all of you delete your collars and wear the new ones I am sending through the Casper update system. For this person I am a target now, and through the remotely tinkering with the scripts in the collars so are you and I do not want my customers to be in the middle of that.
All of Peanut 9 needs to be gone from Fapple as soon as possible.
Wendy Starfall added to the Peanut 9 update a no mod code to be able to tinker with collars remotely, including uploading new scripts into my products without permission.
Wendy has used open source coding from the original OpenCollar team and claimed it as her work.
I ask of you to be supportive to the original OpenCollar people who still today work and update OpenCollar completely free, im me in world for an updater, ask your friends to update their collars too, and if you had/have any issues with updating I will help you in world ♥